HOMEMADE VEGAN PROTEIN HUMMUS October 20, 2021Davlawnc Binary Implementation Most vegans are probably very familiar with hummus! It’s a vegan staple but if you’re looking for a way to bulk it up with extra protein, Green Boy Products single-ingredient,...
PROTEIN COOKIE DOUGH BITES October 20, 2021Davlawnc Binary Implementation Protein Cookie Dough Bites Ingredients 1/2 c plain yogurt 2 tbsp Green Boy Products Yellow Pea Protein Powder 2 tbsp PB2 powder 1 tsp vanilla 2 tsp pure maple syrup...
10 UNUSUAL SMOOTHIE INGREDIENTS YOU’LL LOVE October 19, 2021Davlawnc Binary Implementation Everyone loves smoothies! A smoothie is made with fruits and/or vegetables blended into liquid form. The combination of fruits and vegetables makes this drink a highly nutritious one. Popular ingredients...